Programowanie dla dzieci – Kurs online

Programowanie dla dzieci - kurs online

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Hi, I'm Dave Goldblatt 🤓

"I know firsthand the struggle, the striving, and the beautiful journey that you're on."

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Sprawdzone przez 1000+ rodziców

Najważniejsza jest dla nas satysfakcja naszych klientów. Sprawdź co na temat kursu mówią inni rodzice:

Great course to help me understand WordPress templates. I have created templates in Joomla for years and this is so so much easier!
Oliver Beddows
/ Student, Manchester
The project was quite expansive, and the course covered a lot of territory that I hadn't explored yet. Highly recommend this course.
Solomon Jeeva
/ Student, Manchester
I've been working as a professional digital designer for some time now, but still return to the course for specific tutorials when I get stuck. Highly recommend.
Robert Prickett
/ Student, Manchester
The project was quite expansive, and the course covered a lot of territory that I hadn't explored yet. Highly recommend this course.
Oliver Beddows
/ Student, Manchester

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